USI Wellness
Industry-Leading Wellness Program to Improve Our Health
The daily demands of life and work can make it hard to live a healthy lifestyle. USI strives to provide associates and their families the tools and support needed to be healthy and well through an innovative wellness support program. The USI Wellness program has changed the lives of employees and their families.
"Three years ago, my mom was really heavy. She used to complain about being a borderline diabetic, things like morbidly obese and high cholesterol would come out of her mouth all the time. It was really scary. Then USI started a health initiative and my mom went for a physical. The results shocked her. Since then our whole family has changed our eating style, more vegetables and fruit, and increased exercise. I’m happy to say my mom is now down to her lowest weight since high school; she had a recent physical and was bragging about how good her numbers were. I am no longer scared of losing her to some heart attack at an early age. Watching her has helped me make better choices that will help me in my adulthood years."
- Child of USI Associate
"Like many people, going to the doctor’s office is not at the top of my list of things to do. This year, I had my annual physical. I had one more component of the [wellness] program to complete so I decided to go for the Skin Cancer Screening. I can’t remember the last time that I saw a dermatologist but I knew that I had a TINY spot on my arm that was of no concern to me. The Dermatologist didn’t like the look of the spot so decided to take a biopsy. Two weeks later they called me to deliver the results…Malignant Melanoma. [But we caught it early.] I went back in and they removed it. I just wanted to say Thank You! I can honestly say that I wouldn’t have gone to see the dermatologist…were it not for the USI Wellness Program!"
- USI Associate